Cassandra TAYLOR emails to my artistichope account part 2 of 6 (emails 12-24)
Some of these emails I think Cassandra seems to have sent me 2 times. But I am going to post all 68 emails I have in my account from her or with her address. I am hoping after reading these some people who are intelligent will see that this woman came after me for some kind of messed up vengeance. I did not do anything to her. THIS IS ABOUT RUINING ME and protecting the guy who tried to rape me.
This is email #13
Email #14
I am not a liar. I am so tired of this person wanting the truth distorted to her point of view. A MESSED UP WOMAN IN THE UK who admits I do not know her yet seems to think that she can say all these nasty things about me and expect me to accept them as TRUE. I HATE LIES AND I HATE LIARS. It is like AMELIA ADAMS coming into my face book page and me finding a man from my parents CHURCH on my facebook I did not invite. I HATED MY PARENTS PURITAN WHITE UPPER CLASS CHURCH BACK IN TIMONIUM MARYLAND. I hated it AMELIA. MY DAD BRIBED ME TO JOIN THAT CHURCH, though it was more of a threat.
Email #15
I love this. CASSANDRA TAYLOR grilling me about JEFF OLAN telling me there was no WATCHER LIST. Here is the thing JEFF ALSO SAYS THE PRODUCTION TOLD HIM TO GET RID OF ME. MAKE ME GONE WITH NO EXPLANATION. NONE. I did nothing wrong. It wsas also on a MONDAY MORNING. 08/25/2008. I was recalled on a MONDAY. They had the entire weekend to GET RID OF ME.
Email #16
I think that the GOVERNMENT should examine the TWITTER RULES. I did not make a legal threat. Cassandra is hunting me on line. She went and found three of my emails and is harassing me in them. I love how the standards of protection I guess differ depending on the CLASS OF PERSON. I m not a rich kid who went to a priveate school. I am a person who went to public school and got academic scholarships to college. WHO IS CASSANDRA TAYLOR? why does she get to police my social media and demand I disappera on line. I do not want a life CASSANDRA in an office and I do not want to diseappear from being able to be an artist and create content. I WANT TO BE ACTING AGAIN Bitch
Email #17
This one is interesting. My father is a retired GOVERNMENT AGENT. My friends in HIGH SCHOOL all knew that. MY friends in COLLEGE knew that. He worked on GAY STREET at the CUSTOMS office IN Baltimore. In high School I did these interviews with SECRET SERVICE AGENTS when I was at TOWSON HIGH SCHOOL.
I was a DEMOCRAT and fascinated by the KENNEDIES. My teachers LOVED JFK and I knew people in high school who knew KATHLEEN KENNEDY TOWNSEND.
Email #18
This is me angry and responding back. I did a back ground check on some of the players. I could find nothing in the US on Cassandra TAYLOR. Nothing.
Email #19
CASSANDRA TAYLOR I doubt who ever she is she is qualified to determine my mental status, espeically from the UK. Plus I am not a narciscist. I have feelings. I do not want people worshiping me. I do not want to use people to get ahead. I do not care about being in control of others. I love acting. I love being creative. I am not a money person who wants to make money to be able to make other peoples projects. I HAD MY OWN PROJECTS I wanted to make. I have a creative mind. I AM SO SICK OF THIS we do not see you as talented CRAP because we judge on what someone looks like.
I am an actor CASSANDRA. I do not care about making it as a lawyer or politician. I do not want to control others. I do not qualify AS AN NPD just because I am an introvert who prefers being creative and artistic. I CREATED ARTISTICHOPE and did not want it to be ALL ABOUT FUCKING ME. YOU BITCH. I wanted it to be my voice but not for me TO BE look at me I am artistic hope. YOU ARE THE NARCISCIST. ANd I hope exposing what you wrote to me PROVES THAT.
Email #20
Cassandra TAYLOR is trying to twist everything around to make it so I am painted in a false light. I WOULD NOT BE FIGHITNG AND REFUSING TO MOVE ON IF THESE WERE LIES I WAS TELLING. I will not give up or in to LIES by this bitch.
Email #21
Cassandra is still stalking me on TWITTER and I have no idea who she is. She is abviously on TWITTER using a different email. Makes me think her real name is not CASSANDRA TAYLOR.
Email #22
Cassandra Calls me a CUNT. I wonder who she really is and why she wants to kill me.
Email #23
I do not know who Cassandra TAYLOR IS but she is stalking me. I want to know if she is law enforcement in THE UK. WHy is she after me? Why does it matter to her if I WANT TO BE AN ACTOR. NO AMOUNT OF MONEY WILL MAKE ME WANT TO GIVE UP ACTING. THERE IS NO JOB THAT WOULD PAY ME ENOUGH TO MAKE ME GIVE UP WANTING TO BE AN ACTOR AND AN ARTIST.
Email #24
:Last one for this post. I actually contacted a few people who were following my LAURAANNTULL twitter. AND WHEN I ASKED They followed my @ARTISTICHOPE account. I also now have a few people on my LINKEDIN ACCOUNT. Someone keeps trying to lock me out of that to. WHY? Because you want to cut me off from the actors I KNOW. YOu will be cutting me off from the people i would really be friends with. BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY I WILL EVER WANT TO HANG WITH JERKS LIKE CASSANDRA.